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数学与统计学院教师简介 曾生达博士

发布日期:2024年02月20日 16:22    作者:   编辑:李昌志  点击:


 曾生达,波兰归国博士,副教授美国数学评论评论员。主要从事非线性泛函分析、非光滑分析、非线性偏微分方程、接触力学问题、最优化控制理论、变分/H-半变分不等式等的研究。在SIAM J. Control Optim. Inverse ProblemsSIAM J. Optim.SIAM J. Math. Anal.Calc. Var. PDEMath. Z.J. Differential Equations、中国科学:数学、J. Geom. Anal.等国际重要学术期刊发表论文多篇,其中ESI高被引论文10篇。荣获2018年国家优秀自费留学生奖学金,Acta Mathematica Scientia 20192021年优秀论文奖。现主持和主持完成,2项国家自然科学基金、1项波兰国家自然科学基金、1项广西自然科学杰出基金1项广西自然科学青年项目。




1. S.D. Zeng, N.S. Papageorgiou, V.D. Radulescu*, Nonsmooth dynamical systems: from the existence of solutions to optimal and feedback control, Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques, 176 (2022), 103131.

2. J.X. Cen, T. Haddad, V.T. Nguyen, S.D. Zeng*, Simultaneous distributed-boundary optimal control problems driven by nonlinear complementarity systems, Journal of Global Optimization, (2022),

doi: 10.1007/s10898-022-01155-x.

3. S.D. Zeng, V.D. Radulescu*, P. Winkert, Double phase implicit obstacle problems with convection and multivalued mixed boundary value conditions, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 54 (2021), 1898-1926.

4. S.D. Zeng*, S. Migorski, Z.H. Liu, Well-posedness, optimal control, and sensitivity analysis for a class of differential-hemivariational inequalities, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 31 (2021), 2829-2862.

5. S.D. Zeng*, Y.R. Bai, L. Gasinski, Nonlinear nonhomogeneous obstacle problems with multivalued convection term, Journal of Geometric Analysis, 32 (2021), 75.

6. S.D. Zeng*, S. Migorski, A.A. Khan, Nonlinear Quasi-hemivariational Inequalities: Existence and Optimal Control, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 59 (2021), 1246-1274.

7. Z.H. Liu, D. Motreanu, S.D. Zeng*, Generalized Penalty and Regularization Method for Differential Variational-Hemivariational Inequalities, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 31 (2021),  1158-1183.

8. S.D. Zeng*, D. Motreanu, A.A. Khan, Evolutionary quasi-variational-hemivariational inequalities I: existence and optimal control, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, (2021), doi:10.1007/s10957-021-01963-3

9. S.D. Zeng*, Y.R. Bai, L. Gasinski, P. Winkert, Existence results for double phase implicit obstacle problems involving multivalued operators, Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, 59:176 (2020), 18 pages.

10. Y.R. Bai, N.S. Papageorgiou, S.D. Zeng*, A singular eigenvalue problem for the Dirichlet (p, q)-Laplacian, Mathematische Zeitschrift, (2021), doi: 10.1007/s00209-021-02803-w

11. 曾生达*, S. Migorski, 刘振海, 由拟线性反应扩散方程所驱动的非静态不可压缩Navier-Stokes系统, 中国科学:数学, (2020), doi.org/10.1360/SCM-2020-0396.

12. S. Migórski, A.A. Khan, S.D. Zeng*, Inverse problems for nonlinear quasi-hemivariational inequalities with application to mixed boundary value problems, Inverse Problems, 36 (2020), 22 pages.

13. J.J. Liu, X.M. Yang, S.D. Zeng*, Y. Zhao, Coupled Variational Inequalities: Existence, Stability and Optimal Control, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, (2021), doi.org/10.1007/s10957-021-01995-9

14. S.D. Zeng*, S. Migorski, Dynamic history-dependent hemivariational inequalities controlled by evolution equations with application to contact mechanics, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, (2021), doi: 10.1007/s10884-021-10088-0

15. Z.H. Liu, D. Motreanu, S.D. Zeng*, Positive solutions for nonlinear singular elliptic equations of p-Laplacian type with dependence on the gradient, Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, 58 (2019), 22 pages.

16. S. Migorski, M. Sofonea, S.D. Zeng*, Well-posedness of history-dependent sweeping processes, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 51 (2019), 1082-1107.

17. S. Migorski, A.A. Khan, S.D. Zeng*, Inverse problems for nonlinear quasi-variational inequalities with an application to implicit obstacle problems ofp-Laplacian type, Inverse Problem, 35 (2019), ID: 035004 (14pp).

18. Z.H. Liu, S. Migorski, S.D. Zeng*, Partial differential variational inequalities involving nonlocal boundary conditions in Banach spaces, Journal of Differential Equations, 263 (2017), 3989-4006.

19. S. Migorski, S.D. Zeng*, A class of differential hemivariational inequalities in Banach spaces, Journal of Global Optimization, 72 (2018), 761-779.

20. S.D. Zeng*, J.X. Cen, A. Atangana, V.T. Nguyen, Qualitative analysis of solutions of obstacle elliptic inclusion problem with fractional Laplacian, Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 72 (2021), pages 17.

21. S. Migorski, S.D. Zeng*, Penalty and regularization method for variationalhemivariational inequalities with application to frictional contact, ZAMM-Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics/Zeitschrift für Angewandte, 98 (2018), 1503-1520.

22. S. Migorski, S.D. Zeng*, Rothe method and numerical analysis for history-dependent hemivariational inequalities with applications to contact mechanics, Numerical Algorithms, 82 (2019), 423-450.

23. S.D. Zeng, E. Vilches*, Well-posedness of history/state-dependent implicit sweeping Processes, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 186 (2020), 960-984.

24. D. Motreanu, V.T. Nguyen, S.D. Zeng*, Existence of solutions for implicit obstacle problems of fractional Laplacian type Involving set-valued operators, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 187 (2020), 391-407.

25. Z.H. Liu*, S.D. Zeng, D. Motreanu, Evolutionary problems driven by variational inequalities, Journal of Differential Equations, 260 (2016), 6787–6799.

26. Y.R. Bai, L. Gasinski, P. Winkert, S.D. Zeng*, W1,p versus C1: The nonsmooth case involving critical growth, Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences, 10 (2020), 15 pages.

27. S.D. Zeng*, N.S. Papageorgiou, Positive solutions for (p, q)-equations with convection and a sign-changing reaction, Advances in Nonlinear Analysis, 11 (2022), 40-57.

28. Y.J. Liu, S. Migorski, V.T. Nguyen, S.D. Zeng*, Existence and convergence results for an elastic frictional contact problem with nonmonotone subdifferential boundary conditions, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 41 (2021), 1151-1168.

29. J.F. Han, L. Liang, S.D. Zeng*, Evolutionary variational-hemivariational inequalities with applications to dynamic viscoelastic contact mechanics, Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 71 (2020), pages 23.

30. S.D. Zeng, Z.H. Liu, S. Migorski*, A class of fractional differential hemivariational inequalities with application to contact problem, Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 69 (2018), pages 23.

31. S.D. Zeng*, Y.R. Bai, S. Migorski, V.T. Nguyen, Maximum principles for a class of generalized time-fractional diffusion equations, Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 23 (2020),  822-836.

32. S.D. Zeng*, J.X. Cen, V.T. Nguyen, Generalized fractional evolution equations driven by fuzzy variational inequalities, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, (2021), doi:10.1016/j.fss.2021.01.005

33. S.D. Zeng*, Y.R. Bai, L. Gasinski, P. Winkert, Convergence analysis for double phase obstacle problems with multivalued convection term, Advances in Nonlinear Analysis, 10 (2021), 659-672.

34. S. Migórski, S.D. Zeng*, A class of generalized evolutionary problems driven by variational inequalities and fractional operators, Set-Valued and Variational Analysis, 27 (2019), 949-970.

35. J.J. Liu, X.M. Yang, S.D. Zeng*, Optimal control and approximation for elliptic bilateral obstacle problems, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 102 (2021), ID: 105938.

36. Y. Bai, S. Migórski, S.D. Zeng*, A class of generalized mixed variational-hemivariational inequalities I: Existence and uniqueness results, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 79 (2020), 2897-2911.

37. Y.R. Bai, S. Migorski, S.D. Zeng*, Generalized vector complementarity problem in fuzzy environment. Fuzzy Sets & Systems, 347 (2018), 142-151.

38. S.D. Zeng*, S. Migórski, Z.H. Liu, J.C. Yao, Convergence of a generalized penalty method for variational-hemivariational inequalities, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 92 (2020), ID: 105476.

39. S. Migórski, W.M. Han, S.D. Zeng*, A new class of hyperbolic variational-hemivariational inequalities driven by non-linear evolution equations, European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 32 (2021), 59-88.

40. S. Migorski, S.D. Zeng*, The Rothe method for multi-term time fractional integral diffusion equations, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B, 24 (2019), 719-735.


n 2021--2023

主持, 国家自然科学基金, 青年项目, 在研

项目名称: 一类微分变分-H半变分不等式及应用研究

资助费用: 30万人民币

n 2021--2021

主持, 国家自然科学基金, 天元项目, 结题

项目名称: 一类强隐式约束非光滑发展系统的最优化控制问题

资助费用: 10万人民币

n 2018--2020

主持, 波兰自然科学基金, Preludium研究项目, 结题

项目名称: Mathematical Analysis of Complex Contact Models in Solid and Fluid Mechanics

资助费用: 9万兹罗提(17万人民币)

n 2021--2025

主持, 广西自然科学基金, 杰出青年项目, 在研

项目名称: 具有光滑和非光滑约束的非线性系统

资助费用: 40万人民币

n 2021--2023

主持, 广西自然科学基金, 青年项目, 在研

项目名称: 微分H半变分不等式解的定性研究

资助费用: 5万人民币